Walking Tour of Ronda

View Of Ronda Spain
Flickr / Jose Ramirez

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Ronda sits in the heart of the Serrania de Ronda, about 100kms from the city of Malaga and with a population of approximately 35,000 inhabitants. 

The town is surrounded by lush river valleys and sits above a deep ravine, which takes your breath away when seeing it.

Anyone who has been lucky enough to visit Ronda will understand its appeal. It is one of the most beautiful and visited cities in Spain (the third most visited city in Andalucia) and a very popular day trip for people on a Costa del Sol holiday.

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Historic Bullring

Ronda Bullring

Start the walk in the new part of town.

Ronda is well known as the birthplace of bullfighting and the bullring itself was built in the 18th century and is one of the oldest bullrings in Spain. Even though times have changes and few tourists are fans of the sport the Plaze de Toros is an amazing building with a great history and well worth a visit.

You can choose to have a look inside for around 6 EUR or simply admire the beautiful entrance gate and the bullfighter statue of Pedro Romero outside. The tourist office next door may provide you with a paper map to help with orientation.

Location: Plaza de Toros de Ronda, 15 Calle Virgen de la Paz, Ronda, Spain, | Hours: Mo-Sun: 10 am – 8 pm Free entrance (for EU citizens): Monday (8 am – 10 am), Tuesday and Wednesday (9 am – 10 am) | Price: €8 (€9.50 with audioguide | Website
Read more about Plaza de Toros de Ronda

Stroll the Alameda del Tajo

Walking Paseo De Blas Infante
Flickr / Dulce Wang

Coming out the front of the bullring, turn left onto Calle Virgen de la Paz, towards the Almeda del Tajo.

Alameda del Tajo is a popular public park, opened in the beginning of the 19th century. Its tree-lined promenades & panoramic balconies which are suspended over a cliff offer the most beautiful views of the awesome “Serranía de Ronda” Ronda’s mountain range.

The walk is beautiful all year round, in the spring, when pink and white blossoms cover the trees along the walkways, you will be glad of its shade in the summer and its golden colours in the fall, when leaves change color.

Location: Alameda del Tajo, Paseo Blas Infante, 1, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain
Read more about Alameda del Tajo

Walking the Paseos

Paseo De Blas Infante 2
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Concepcion AMAT ORTA

From the Alameda, you can turn left onto Paseo De Los Ingleses before returning here and turn right onto Paseo Blas Infante. Walk along the paseo with the bullring on your left and the cliff tops on your right.

This is a great paseo often with street musicians, such as flamenco and guitarists, performing along the path which lead you to various viewing spots. Its not just one paseo but a series of them starting in the north with Paseo De Los Ingleses, through the Alameda del Tajo, onto Paseo de Orson Welles, Paseo de Ernest Hemingway and finally overlooking the Puente Nuevo the Paseo de Kazunori Yamauchi.

Location: Paseo Blas Infante, 1, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Hours: June - September 8.00am - 00.00 September - May: 9.00am - 22.00 | Price: Free | Website
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Mirador de Ronda

Mirador De Ronda

When you get to the Monument to the Bull, you turn right. You will pass between monuments to Orson Wells and Earnest Hemingway and head towards the Mirador de Ronda.

The Mirador de Ronda is a beautiful lookout point from which you can see the lower lying parts of the countryside, the forests, farms and mountains. It’s a breathtaking sight and surely one you will not easily forget.

Location: Mirador de Ronda Ctra. de los Molinos, 1955 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: 24 Hours | Price: Free
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Walk over the Puente Nuevo

View Of Ronda Spain
Flickr / Jose Ramirez

After leaving Mirador de Ronda head left, following the edge of the cliff. When you reach the Parador hotel, you will walk along Paseo de Ernest Hemingway. Turn the corner and continue around. All along you will enjoy the spectacular views of the beautiful Puente Nuevo and the steep El Tajo Canyon. The final section of the walk is named Paseo de Kazunori Yamauchi.

The Puente Nuevo is Ronda’s New Bridge (even though it is already 200 years ago). It is an impressive feat of engineering, crossing the steep gorge at a height of almost 100 metres. No wonder it is is Ronda’s most famous landmark.

On this walking tour we will cross the bridge to get to the older part of the town, however if you are keen you can also have a quick look inside. The entrance to the Puente Nuevo is cheap and will give you access to the room underneath the bridge where you can see a small balcony.

is a not very interesting exhibition in Spanish about the construction of the bridge and the use of the room for locking up political prisoners during the Spanish Civil War. The booklet you receive with your ticket will be in English.

Location: Puente Nuevo Calle Armiñán, s/n 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: Monday to Friday: 10 am – 7 pm Saturday, Sunday and Festive: 10 am – 3 pm | Price: €2 | Website
Read more about Puente Nuevo

Admire the view from the Puerta de los Molinos

Mirador Del Viento

Cross the bridge to the other side and turn the first right down the Calle Tenorio. Walk down this winding cobbled road until you get to the Plaza de María Auxiliadora. This is a great little square and viewing point to get more views of the valley. From here the more energetic will wan to descend the steps in the corner to the Los Molinos. The path is steep and strenuous in summer but you will get the best views of the bridge from the bottom.

You will pass various viewing points:

  • Mirador puente nuevo de Ronda or viewing point of the new bridge
  • Mirador del viento or viewing point of the wind – named after the nearby Gate in the city Wall – Puerta Del Viento – or Gate of the Wind
  • Puerta de los Molinos or Gate of the Mills

When you have (run out of film in your cameras?) head back the way you have come.

Location: Arco del Cristo. Murallas de Albacara y Molinos del Tajo, Ronda (Rincón Singular) 6 Plaza de María Auxiliadora 29400 Ronda Málaga, Spain | Hours: 24 Hour | Price: Free
Read more about Puerta de los Molinos

Explore the Palacio de Mondragón

Palacio De Mondragon, Ronda, Spain 7

When you are back at the Plaza de María Auxiliadora head south and you will come to the Palacio de Mondragón de Mondragón

The Palacio de Mondragón  or is an an old Moorish palace from the 14th century you will also find Ronda’s Municipal Museum.  The beautiful building started out as the home of home of King Abbel Malik.  For a modest fee you get to see a great palace which is a fine example of Andalusian building design. It’s not large but has nice courtyards, balconies, tiled walls, and terraces. The gardens in particular are gorgeous and offer great views of the countryside and a nice cool breeze.

Location: Plaza Mondragón, s/n, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Hours: 10am-7pm Mon-Fri, to 3pm Sat & Sun Apr-Sep, shorter hours Oct-Mar | Price: €3.50
Read more about Palacio de Mondragon

Take a break at the Plaza Duquesa de Parcent

Iglesia De Santa María La Mayor Ronda
CC BY-SA 4.0 / José Rojas

From the Palacio de Mondragón head further south and you will come to the Plaza Duquesa de Parcent.

This is the main square in the Old Town and it is stunning. It’s surrounded by beautiful buildings including the City Hall but the most remarkable is undoubtedly Church of Santa María la Mayor, with its beautiful bell tower.

Also around the square are the convents of Caridad or Charity and the Claristas or the ‘Poor Clares’.

Location: Plaza Duquesa de Parcent, 11, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Hours: N/A | Price: N/A
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See the Old Walls and City Gate

City Walls Ronda 04
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Tajchman

The old City Entrance is worth seeing but you are doubling back on yourself. head down by the right of the City Hall and head south on the Calle Cuesta de las Imágenes. You will have the fortifications of the old city wall on your right – which look magnificent. you should come to Plaza Ruedo Alameda – which is another great square to have a quick caña!

In Moorish times, Ronda was protected its position and high walls that ran around it making it impregnable! Well nearly as it was conquered in 1485 by the Marquis of Cádiz after a brief siege!

The Puerta de Almocábar was the main gate into the old Moorish town. Around the gate you can see part of the old walls that protected Ronda from invaders which are possible to climb up and walk along the top of!

Location: Puerta de Almocábar Plazuela Arquitecto Francisco Pons Sorolla, s/n 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Website
Read more about Puerta de Almocabar

Marvel at the Iglesia del Espíritu Santo

Iglesia Del Espiritu Santo 2

If you did make it down to the City Gates – walk through them on up through Calle Espíritu Santo.

You will see the impressive Iglesia del Espíritu Santo on your right. This impressive church was the first built after the town was taken from the Moors in the 16 Century.

Location: Calle Espíritu Santo, 15, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am till 2pm then 4pm till 7pm | Price: 1€
Read more about Iglesia del Espíritu Santo

Museum of the Bandits

Museo Del Bandolero, In Ronda
CC BY-SA 2.0 / SweetnessParadise

Continue up the hill on the Calle Armiñán and you will come to the Museo del Bandolero. You could bear to the right as you go up the hill and get some views of the city walls.

This is  a museum dedicated to the bandits who operated in this area in the 18th and 19 century. A relatively cheap price to pay to enter – if you have young boys – of all ages they will probably enjoy it.

Location: Museo del Bandolero Calle Armiñán, 65 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: From Monday to Friday and Sunday from 11 am. to 7.30 pm. Saturday and bank holidays from 11 am. to 8 pm. | Price: €3.75 | Website
Read more about Museo del Bandolero

Museo Lara

Museum Lara, Ronda
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Andras Vadas

Continue up the Calle Armiñán to get to the Museo Lara.

This is a bizarre museum – one mans collection of curious things from beautiful things from the past and torture instruments from the Inquisition. Also some unusual typewriters, six-barrelled pistols, delicate prayer books, and fine measuring instruments from the early days of science…

The torture objects and witchcraft collection in the basement are clearly there for effect, and probably not recommendable for families with young children.

Location: Museo Lara Calle Armiñán, 29 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: 11:00 20 00 hours (June to October) 11:00 to 19:00 (from November to May) | Price: 4 € | Website
Read more about Museo Lara

The House of the Moorish King

Casa Del Rey Moro Water Gate
© Casa del Rey Moro

Carry on up the Calle Armiñán and turn right when you see the large murial of the Viajes Romanticos. head down there and you will come across the The House of the Moorish King.

The main house is in some disrepair, you are paying the entrance fee to see the hanging gardens and the water mine. While the gardens are also looking a bit neglected there are still some great views of the narrow gorge here.

It is the 230 steps of the water mine that you are here to see. you can go all the way down to the bottom of the gorge and see where the Christian forces breached the Moorish defenses and entered the town.

Location: La Casa del Rey Moro, Calle Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 9 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: 10am-9.30pm May-Sep, to 8pm Oct-Apr | Price: €6 | Website
Read more about Casa del Rey Moro

Puente Viejo

Old Bridge, Ronda, Spain
CC BY-SA 23.0 / Marshall Henrie

Head past La Casa del Rey Moro down Calle Cuesta de Santo Domingo. When you approach the Palacio de Salvatierra you should see some steps to the left. Follow the steps down, and walk down Calle Cuesta de Santo Domingo. The road should wind downwards and yo will pass underneath the Puerta de Felipe V and see the Puente Viejo in front of you.

Ironically, the Puente Viejo is not the oldest bridge in Ronda, as you approach the bridge to your right is the the oldest bridge, which is the Roman Bridge. It may not be the most pretty bridge but it is free of traffic and much more relaxing to walk than the Puente Nuevo.

The bridge is from the 16th or 17th century and offers some great views to both sides. On the one side you will see the Arab Baths and the Roman Bridge, on the other side you can look deep into the gorge, almost all the way to the New Bridge. You will see the water of the river below your feet.

Location: Puente Viejo Calle Real, 2 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: 24 Hours | Price: Free
Read more about Puente Viejo

Arab Baths

Arab Baths Ronda 2
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Ángel M. Felicísimo

The Moorish Baths are again optional, depending on how fit you are feeling and time constraints, you will need to return to this point.
If you wish to see them you need to descend the steps you saw as you approached the Puente Viejo, these will take you in the direction of the Puente Árabe, take those which will lead you to the Moorish Baths.

The Moorish  Public Baths  are a fine example of Moorish design that they borrowed from the Romans. it was constructed in the 13th and 14th centuries and are the best preserved Arab Baths in Spain. Look at the beautiful star-shaped openings in the ceiling of the three rooms that let in the light in. The water was brought into the building straight from the river with a water wheel.

Location: Baños Arabes, Yacimiento Arqueológico, Calle Molino de Alarcón, s/n 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: Monday to Friday: 10 am – 7 pm Saturday, Sunday and Festive: 10 am – 3 pm | Price: €3.50, Free Tue | Website
Read more about Baños Árabes

Stroll through the Cuenca Gardens

Jardines De Cuenca, Ronda 3

Cross the Puente Viejo and on your left are the Jardines De Cuenca.

Walk up these 23 rose-covered terraces, to get away from the crowds and for great views of Puente Nuevo, Puente Viejo and the Roman Bridge from these paths. Also look out for the House of the Moorish king opposite.

Location: Jardines De Cuenca, Calle Escolleras, 1 29400 Ronda Málaga Spain | Hours: 8am-7pm | Price: N/A
Read more about Jardines de Cuenca

Relax in the Plaza del Socorro

Hercules, Plaza Del Socorro, Ronda 2

When you leave the park on Calle Escolleras bear left. This will take you up a narrow cobbled street which leads you to Calle Virgen de los Remedios. Turn left and walk about 300m until you get to Plaza del Socorro.

This is a great little square to relax. The square is surrounded by beautiful buildings especially the Iglesia de Socorro. The Plaza is historically significant because it was here that Blas Infante unfurled the flag of Andalusia in 1918. The square also features a statue of Hercules which is a symbol of Andalucia designed by Blas Infante.

Location: Plaza del Socorro, 7, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain | Hours: 24 Hours | Price: Free
Read more about Plaza del Socorro

Return to Plaza de Toros

There is a short walk from here down Calle Pedro Romero to get back to the bullring.

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