Laurel Castle

Castle in Ronda 

Laurel Castle Ronda
© 2025 Noamds Travel Guide

Laurel castle are the remnants of a castle in Ronda in Spain.

History of Ronda’s Laurel Castle

The origins of Laurel castle come in 132BC when the Roman commander, Scipio had ordered a castle to be built here. Scipio founded a series of military orders, one of them located in  Ronda or Arunda as it was known in Roman times. It was probably this order that constructed the Roman Castle of Laurel or Laurus. During the collapse of the Roman much of the castle was destroyed.

In 713 the Moors led by Abd al—Aziz, the son of the Moorish general Musa Ben-Nusayr took control over Ronda. Soon after this, Abd al-Aziz ordered the reconstruction of Laurel castle on the same site.

The castle would have played a key part in the defence of the city from Christian forces.

Another major restructuring of Ronda’s buildings was made in 1812 when Joseph Bonaparte had the castle and other defenses blown up before departing.

The Civil War (1936-39) wreaked further havoc on the infrastructure of Ronda when Ronda fell to the nationalist forces, the targets being mostly churches. The castle once had a tower within its walls, but this, too, has been demolished.

That which remains of the castle these days is not particularly extensive, or accessible, but in the main, the curtain wall is to be seen from the east and south along Calle Cuesta de las Imágenes.

Where is Ronda’s Laurel Castle?

The Laurel Castle is located just a couple of minutes from the Church of Espiritu Santo, the Walls of La Cijara and the Almocábar Door, in the Andalusian town of Ronda.

The Laurel Castle appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Ronda !

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Visiting Laurel Castle





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