Maimonides Statue

Statue in Córdoba

Moses Ben Maimon, Cordoba
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Jerzy Kociatkiewicz

Bronze sculpture of philosopher, theologian & doctor, Cordovan Ben Maimónides, erected in 1964.

The Arab philosopher Maimonides was born and lived in Córdoba in the 12th century. He was a famous and culturally influential in the thriving Medieval Cordoba. Moshe ben Maimon, was his name in Hebrew, but he became known as “Maimónides”, not only was he an important philosopher and astronomer he was also the most prolific and influential Torah scholars and physician of the middle ages.  After Cordoba was conquered by the Almohads (Berber dynasty) in 1148 Maimodes moved about present day Andalucia for the next ten years, residing in Fez, Morocco before settling in Fustat or Egypt in 1168. He died in Egypt in 1204 and was burried in Tiberas – Galilee, Isreal.

The Maimonides Statue appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Córdoba!

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