Shebenik-Jabllanicë National Park

National Park in Librazhd

Strizak During Late Winter, Jablanica Mountain
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Liridon

Shebenik-Jabllanicë National Park is a national park in eastern Albania, created in 2008. The park is named after two mountains Shebenik and Jabllanice.

It runs alongside the border with North Macedonia. The park offers some of the most rugged scenery in the eastern section of country with the terrain being mostly foothills leading up to mountains, which reach over 2,200 meters high.

It is covered in meadows, pastures and deciduous forests, where Beech, oak, fir, and other pine trees dominate. The brown bear, grey wolf, and Eurasian linx are all inhabitants of the area. Most of the roads in the park are dirt roads, a few requiring four-wheel drive.

The Shebenik-Jabllanicë National Park appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Librazhd!

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Visiting Shebenik-Jabllanicë National Park



Duration: 24 hours

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