Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Palace in Florence

Exterior Of Palazzo Vecchio
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Jordiferrer

Palazzo della Signoria, also known as Palazzo Vecchio, has stood as a symbol of civic power in Florence for over seven centuries. Originally built as the seat of the city’s government in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, the palace underwent various renovations over time and now serves as the headquarters of the City of Florence.

During the 16th century, the palace temporarily housed the family of Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici, leading to major transformations and luxurious interior decorations by Vasari. The Monumental Apartments were created to serve as the official lodging of the reigning dynasty.

On the first floor, visitors can explore the magnificent Hall of the 500, used for meetings of the Grand Council. The walls, originally frescoed by Michelangelo and Leonardo, were later decorated by Vasari and his school. The Hall also houses Michelangelo’s marble Genius of Victory. In contrast, the Studiolo of Francesco I on the first floor is a gem of art and mannerist style, where the prince would retreat to study and contemplate his treasures. The palace’s first floor rooms are dedicated to various members of the Medici family.

Moving to the second floor, visitors can explore the Apartments of the Elements and the Apartments of Eleonora da Toldeo, with the Grand Duchess’s beautifully decorated small chapel by Bronzino. The delegation rooms, Audience Chamber, and Hall of Lilies showcase richly detailed ceilings, decorations, and doors from the 15th century. The Monumental Apartments also house the Loeser Collection, left to the City of Florence by the American art critic Charles Loeser, featuring paintings and sculptures from the Tuscan school dating from the 13th to 15th centuries, including works by Bronzino and Cellini.

The Palazzo Vecchio, Florence appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Florence!

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Visiting Palazzo Vecchio, Florence



Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday / Saturday /Sunday – 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Thursday: 9 a.m – 2 p.m.


Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday – 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Thursday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Please arrive 15′ before your visit


Adults: €12.50

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