Timespan, Helmsdale

Museum in Sutherland

Timespan, Helmsdale

Timespan Museum and Arts Centre is a vibrant meeting place between our past and our future; linking culture, heritage, the arts, people and their ideas. There is an award winning museum, a contemporary art programme, an art gallery, storytelling room, café, shop and riverside garden of Scottish herbs and flowers. Timespan commissions four major projects each year, each aligned with broader social movements and has an active programme of events as well as supporting artists in residence. A nice walk up the river- famous for its salmon fishing – starts just across the bridge from Timespan and a short walk in the other direction takes you to the active harbour. There is a range of visitor services available in Helmsdale.

The Timespan, Helmsdale appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Sutherland!

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Visiting Timespan, Helmsdale


Open Easter – October, 10am – 5pm

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