Forsinard Flows National Nature Reserve

Nature Reserve in Sutherland

CC BY-SA 4.0 / Sydneyhenderson

The Flow Country is an internationally important area of blanket bog – a globallyrare type of peatland – which covers a large area of Sutherland and Caithness. The peatlands are a vast, open landscape with scattered pool systems that are home to specialist plants, insects and wildlife. Birds that depend on this wild, unspoilt environment include red-throated and black-throated divers, golden plover and greenshank. Bogs are also home to many species of insects and spiders, as well as amphibians, reptiles and small mammals. The Flow Country is on the UK’s tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage Site status and is considered to be the best peatland of its type anywhere in the world. It stores an incredible amount of carbon (400 million tonnes!). The best time to see peatland birds is April to June, but all summer there is a variety of different plants and wildlife to discover. Self-guided trails and a distinctive lookout tower allow you to explore the mosaic of pools, while information is available in the visitor centre (open Apr – Oct), in the former railway station

The Forsinard Flows National Nature Reserve appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Sutherland!

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Visiting Forsinard Flows National Nature Reserve

Address: Forsinard Flows, Forsinard KW13 6YT
Duration: 20 minutes

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