Teatro Romano, Malaga

Historic Site and Theatre in Málaga

Alcazaba De Malaga With Roman Theater In Foreground
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Maksym Abramov

The Teatro Romano de Málaga or the Roman theater in Malaga are the archaeological remains of the Malacca’s ancient theater which stems from the 1st century AD. and the Empire of Augustus. It is located at the foot of the famous Alcazaba fortress. Alongside it sits the remains is a modern interpretation center which recreate the life and customs of theatre in its Roman heyday. 

The History of the Teatro Romano, Malaga

The Theater was built in the time of Augustus in the 1st century AD, it was in use until the 3rd century. Much of its construction material such as stone capitals, columns and carved stones were later used by the moors for building the Alcazaba for the horseshoe arches over the doorways.

Its remains were discovered in 1951, and it lay partially hidden for many years alongside the Casa de la Cultura  or Culture House building. The building was built between 1940 to 1942 and renovated in the 1960s. It was during these renovation works when the Theater was first discovered and the Casa de Cultura was demolished in order to excavate the rest of the theater. The proescenium, or stage, was uncovered first.

What does the Teatro look like?

The stands have a 31-metre radius and reach a height of 16 metres.  There are thirteen raised rows of seats or vomitorium which rest on the side of the hill.

The interpretation center is decorated on the outside by original fragments of the Lex Flavia Malacitana, which was the municipal code of law, that granted free-born persons the privileges of Roman citizenship, and was recovered in the excavations.

The Teatro Romano, Malaga appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Málaga!

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Visiting Teatro Romano, Malaga


Summer: From 09.30 to 13.30 and from 17.00 to 20.00.

Winter: From 09.30 to 13.30 and from 16.00 to 19.00.



Telephone: +34 951501115
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