San Marino Cable Car

Cable Car in San Marino

Cableway Of San Marino And View Of Borgo Maggiore
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Eleassar

The cable car of the Republic of San Marino links the Castle of Borgo Maggiore with the one in San Marino City, and it’s among the most convenient and popular modes of transportation, especially for tourists, to access the historic city center. The journey lasts approximately 2 minutes, offering passengers a magnificent view of the entire Adriatic coast. The cable car runs every quarter of an hour.

The San Marino Cable Car appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting San Marino!

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Visiting San Marino Cable Car


Winter: 07.45 – 18.30; Summer: 07.45 – 01.00


€5.00 Round Trip / €3.00 Single

Address: Piazzale Campo della Fiera, 10, 47893 Valdragone, San Marino
Duration: 20 minutes

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