Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, Assisi

Palace in Assisi

Assisi - Palazzo Del Capitano Del Popolo
CC BY-SA 3.0 / giomodica

The Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo is located at the corner of the upstream side of the square. In 1275, the Municipality of Assisi acquired nearby houses to establish a new headquarters for the Captain’s magistracy. By 1282, construction was completed, and Captain Guido de’ Rossi from Florence had his coat of arms placed between two shields with the cross symbol of the Municipality. The palace underwent a significant neo-fourteenth century restoration in 1926, designed by architect Ruggero Antonelli. The ground floor features paintings by Adalberto Lavorati, depicting medieval crafts.

People’s Tower

The Torre del Popolo, a 47-meter-high tower near the Temple of Minerva, was built for the Captain of the People’s magistracy, with records dating back to 1267. Completed in stages, the tower housed the Captain’s family by 1279 and was fully completed by 1305. In 1926, during the centenary of Saint Francis’s death, the tower was crowned with Ghibelline battlements.

Historical Plaques and Measurements

In 1349, Captain Angelo di Latero from Perugia installed a plaque of red Subasio stone at the tower’s base, displaying measurements for bricks and textiles. These standards were mandated by the 1469 municipal statute to regulate artisan professions and goods sales.

Portal and Audience Hall

In 1501, the ground floor of the Torre del Popolo was allocated to the College of Notaries as the Audience Hall. In 1524, stonemason Massimo di Puzio, following a design by painter Cecco di Bernardino, sculpted the stone portal. The portal features a stone shield with notarial tools and the motto “Unica mundi fides.” The room was furnished for the Guild of Notaries in the early 16th century, with an espalier court decorated with candelabras and inlays. A 16th-century fresco depicting the Assumption of the Virgin remains preserved in the hall.

The Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, Assisi appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Assisi!

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Visiting Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, Assisi


From November to February: 10.00am – 5.00pm (last entry 4.30pm)

From March to October: 10.00am – 6.00pm (last entry 5.30pm)

December 25: closed

Opening hours of the Civic Tower: every day from 10.00 to 17.00 (last entry 16.30)



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