Musei Civici di Padova

Historic Building and Museum in Padova

Musei Civici Di Padova
CC BY-SA 4.0 / ERRERigo

The Musei Civici di Padova or degli Eremitani is a complex of museums and historic sites, centered on the former convent of the Eremitani (Augustinian order), and its famous Cappella degli Scrovegni with its Giotto fresco masterpieces. The complex is located on Piazza Eremitani, at the edge of the historic center of Padua, region of Veneto, Italy. The complex includes halls of archaeological objects and – in the nearby Palazzo Zuckermann – a museum of modern and medieval applied art.

The original collection arose with the acquisition of works from suppressed ecclesiastical institutions, including in 1783 of the convent of San Giovanni da Verdara and in 1810 of many other institutions. In 1825, the abbot Giuseppe Furlanetto displayed his collection of Roman and Greek lapidary inscriptions in the logge del Palazzo della Ragione. The collection was expanded by the donation of 1864 by Leonardo Capodilista. Under the patron Andrea Gloria, this collection and other works came under the ownership of the commune, leading to the formation of the Pinacoteca, as well as civic library and archive.

The museum is usually visited along with the Cappella degli Scrovegni. Allow at least an hour to get round everything either before or after you see the chapel.

The Musei Civici di Padova appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Padova!

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Visiting Musei Civici di Padova


9am-7pm Tue-Sun


adult/reduced €10/8

Telephone: 049 820 45 51

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