Roman Arena of Padua

Amphitheatre in Padova

Roman Arena Of Padua
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Chris Light

The Roman Arena of Padua stands as one of the few remaining structures from the ancient Roman city of Patavium. Today, only a handful of ruins remain, including parts of the supporting walls and a series of arches.

Recent efforts have seen the Arena’s remains subjected to a cleaning and restoration process. Simultaneously, an excavation project is underway to reveal the original Arena’s structures, its floors, and foundations, which had been buried over the centuries due to numerous layers of soil and subsequent construction activities.

The Roman Arena was constructed around 70 AD during the Claudian-Flavian period and primarily served as a venue for gladiatorial games. Its dimensions were comparable to those of the Verona Arena. The amphitheater had an elliptical layout, featuring eighty two-tiered arches and accommodating various tiers of seating for spectators.

The Arena boasted two large access gates: the Triumphalis, located at the entrance to Piazza Eremitani, which allowed access for the audience, and the Libitinensis, positioned on the opposite side, through which the bodies of defeated gladiators were removed from the Arena.

During the Middle Ages, the Arena was demolished and repurposed as a quarry, with its stones and marbles used in the construction of new buildings in the area.

The Roman Arena of Padua appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Padova!

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