Convento de Clarisas del Corpus Christi

Convent in Segovia

Segovia Convento De Clarisas Del Corpus Christi
CC BY-SA 4.0 / JoJan

Situated in Corpus Christi Square, which takes its name from the present-day appellation of the former synagogue. It was confiscated from the Jewish community at the beginning of the 15th Century. Today it is the church of the Convento de Clarisas del Corpus Christi [Convent of the Corpus Christi Order of St. Clare]. Access to the interior is gained via a courtyard, as would have been the norm, and the building is divided into three naves separated by horseshoe arches upon octagonal columns. A fire in 1899 caused considerable damage to the building and, at the beginning of the 20th Century, the first restoration was carried out. However, more significant was the work carried out in 2004, which saw the restoration of plasterwork, capitals, ceilings…

The Convento de Clarisas del Corpus Christi appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Segovia!

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