Aquarium Donostia-San Sebastian

Aquarium in San Sebastián

Aquarium Of Donostia San Sebastian, Spain
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Catatine

Located at the western end of the harbor, Aquarium Donostia-San Sebastian is one of the most visited attractions in the Basque Country.

Besides interesting displays describing the maritime history of the area, there is also a cinema-screen-sized deep-ocean and coral-reef exhibits and the long tunnel, with  its 1.5 million litre water tank and the bull sharks.

The Aquarium Donostia-San Sebastian appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting San Sebastián!

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Visiting Aquarium Donostia-San Sebastian


10am-9pm Jul & Aug, 10am-8pm Mon-Fri, to 9pm Sat & Sun Easter-Jun & Sep, 10am-7pm Mon-Fri, to 8pm Sat & Sun Oct-Easter


Adult/child €13/6.50

Telephone: +34 943 440 099

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