San Francesco della Pace

Church in Gubbio


Tucked away on Via Giorgio Mastro, the Church of San Francesco della Pace is easily overlooked, as its exterior resembles an ordinary house with a simple wooden door and balcony. Without prior knowledge, one might pass by, unaware of the church’s significance. While its interior may not be as impressive as other churches in Gubbio, such as the Chiesa di San Francesco or Chiesa di San Pietro, this small temple holds deep historical and cultural importance. The church is connected to the legendary Wolf of Gubbio, a creature said to have terrorized the city until it was miraculously tamed by Saint Francis of Assisi. The church was built over the cave where the wolf lived, and inside, visitors can find a sarcophagus believed to be the wolf’s tomb. During renovations in 1872, a large wolf’s skeleton was discovered near the church, further fueling the legend.

Beyond its legendary ties, the Church of San Francesco della Pace is also closely linked to Gubbio’s traditions, particularly the Festa dei Ceri. The church belongs to the University of Bricklayers, Stonemasons, and Similar Arts, the custodian of this important festival. It is here that the Captains of the Feast are elected, and the statuettes of Saints Ubaldo, Giorgio, and Antonio—placed atop the ceremonial candles—are kept. The church’s significance was further solidified in 1584 when it was given the title of San Francesco della Pace after the stone on which Saint Francis preached following the wolf’s taming was transferred there from the Church of Vittorina. The crypt of the church preserves the stone that once covered the wolf’s tomb, making this small, unassuming church a key site in Gubbio’s rich tapestry of history, legend, and tradition.

The San Francesco della Pace appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Gubbio!

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Visiting San Francesco della Pace


Fri – Sun 10:00 to 13:00 / 15:00 to 17:30



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