Museu D. Diogo de Sousa

Museum in Braga

Museu Dom Diogo De Sousa
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Joseolgon

The D. Diogo de Sousa Regional Museum houses a diverse collection of archaeological artefacts from the Braga region, spanning a wide range of cultural and chronological periods, from the Palaeolithic era to the Middle Ages.

The Roman artefacts are especially noteworthy, featuring tombstones and everyday objects that provide insight into the lives of people from Bracara Augusta to Rome. Additionally, the museum boasts a highly regarded exhibit on medieval burials.

The museum is dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Diogo de Sousa, who, upon taking office in 1512, worked tirelessly to expand and improve the city and its infrastructure.

The Museu D. Diogo de Sousa appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Braga!

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Visiting Museu D. Diogo de Sousa


9.30am-6pm Tue-Sun Jun–mid-Sep, to 5.30pm mid-Sep–May


adult/student €3/1.50, Sun free

Address: Museu de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa, Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntários, Braga, Portugal
Duration: 20 minutes

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