Victoria Eugenia Theater

Theatre in San Sebastián

Exterior San Sebastian Teatro Victoria Eugenia
CC BY-SA 1.0 / Zarateman

The Victoria Eugenia Theater opened in 1912 in San Sebastián, Spain. It is located in the city centre  on the banks of the River Urumea across from the Kursaal.

This sandstone building was designed by the architect Francisco de Urcola with plateresque motifs with Spanish Renaissance forms. Particularly interesting on the facade are, over the Doric columns, four groups of sculptures representing the opera, tragedy, comedy and drama. The main hall has an attractive vaulted ceiling with frescoes by Ignacio Ugarte.

It serves as a venue for major cultural events such as the Music Fortnight and the San Sebastián International Film Festival.

The Victoria Eugenia Theater appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting San Sebastián!

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Visiting Victoria Eugenia Theater


From 11:30am to 1:30pm & from 5pm to 8pm

Address: Victoria Eugenia Theater Argentinar Errepublika, 2 20004 Donostia-San Sebastian SS Spain
Telephone: +34 943481160
Duration: 20 minutes

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