
Notable Building in San Sebastián

San Sebastian Kursaal At Night
CC BY-SA 2.0 / JesusAbizanda

Kursaal Auditorium and exhibition hall opened in 1999 was designed by Spanish architect Rafael Moneo, and is located in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.

The building itself is very striking  and consists of two cubes made of translucent glass with LED lights and sits next to the mouth of the Urumea River.  The largest cube houses the auditorium, the other being the conference center.

The building is a major landmark and has a great bar and restaurant and hosts a lively array of musical and cultural events all year-round. There’s a large public car park beneath the building.
The building was built on the the plot of the Great Kursaal, and elegant Palace which was originally built in 1921. The Palace was demolished in 1973.

The Kursaal appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting San Sebastián!

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