Piazza della Vittoria, Sorrento

Square in Sorrento

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Victory Square nestles between Sorrento’s two marinas: Marina Grande (the smaller, more intimate marina) and Marina Piccola (the larger ferry terminal and transport hub). At the heart of the square, a garden shaded by palm trees provides a serene spot for visitors to pause and enjoy the breathtaking views of the bay and the Gulf of Naples.

Overlooking the harbor from one side of Victory Square is the Imperial Hotel Tramontano. This historic hotel was the residence of the renowned Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen for six months in 1881, during which he wrote his famous play “Ghosts.” Disenchanted with Norway, Ibsen moved his family to Sorrento, where they lived for four years in self-imposed exile.

A plaque commemorating Ibsen’s stay can be found at the corner of Victory Square and Vittoria Veneto Street, next to the elegant bridge of the Imperial Hotel Tramontano across Vittorio Veneto Street.

Part of the building that now forms the Imperial Hotel Tramontano was once known as Villa Laurito Mastrogiudice. This villa is notably the birthplace of Sorrento’s beloved poet, Torquato Tasso, who was born there on March 11, 1544.

The Piazza della Vittoria, Sorrento appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Sorrento!

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Visiting Piazza della Vittoria, Sorrento

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