Museo di Scienze Naturali e Archeologico, Bergamo

Museum in Bergamo

Museo Di Scienze Naturali

Located in a 14th-century citadel palace, and next to the Archaeology Museum in Piazza della Cittadella, where it was moved in the same year (1960).

the Museum of Natural Science keeps most of its collections in its archives, in order to let scientists study them and develop the knowledge about environment, living animals and extinct species. It was established in 1861 in the building of Regio Istituto Tecnico: today, it hosts millions of natural findings!

The Museo di Scienze Naturali e Archeologico, Bergamo appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Bergamo!

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Visiting Museo di Scienze Naturali e Archeologico, Bergamo


9am-12.30pm & 2.30-6pm Tue-Sun


Museo Civico Scienze Naturali €3

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