Duomo di Salerno

Cathedral in Salerno

Cattedrale Di Salerno
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Leandro Neumann Ciuffo

The Cathedral of San Matteo, commonly known as Salerno Cathedral, is a venerable testament to history, founded by Robert Guiscard and consecrated by Pope Gregory VII. Officially inaugurated in March 1084, the cathedral underwent a significant reconstruction following the earthquake of June 5, 1688.

Approaching the cathedral, the main entrance reveals modifications, and the courtyard is gracefully encircled by a covered passage supported by twenty-eight simple columns adorned with arches. Along the walls, a series of Roman tombs add an evocative touch to the surroundings. The southern side features a 12th-century bell tower, an architectural relic that stands as a silent homage to the passage of time.

Salerno Cathedral’s architectural plan is characterized by a longitudinal body with three naves, a horizontal transept with three apses, and a quadriportico. The crypt, a distinctive element, is designed as a hall divided by columns with apses mirroring those of the upper transept. Notably, the crypt serves as the resting place for the mortal remains of Saint Matthew. Legend holds that Gisulfo I transported the relics to Salerno in the 10th century. In 1081, upon the completion of the new cathedral dedicated to the evangelist, the remains found their eternal abode in the crypt, meticulously safeguarded.

The sculptural elements of Salerno Cathedral resonate with a captivating presence of animals. At the entrance, symbols of ecclesiastical power and charity are depicted in a lion and a lioness breastfeeding her calf. The architrave, adorned with a vine trellis, intertwines with dates pecked by birds, metaphorically alluding to the spiritual nourishment of the soul. At the extremes, a monkey and a lion symbolize heresy and the truth of the church, respectively. The cathedral’s interiors are further embellished with decorative elements, featuring medieval heritage animals such as lions, horses, and centaurs.

The Duomo di Salerno appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Salerno!

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Visiting Duomo di Salerno


Daily from 9.30 am to 18.30 pm


€10 For Cathedram, Museum and San Giorgio, €7 for two, €5 for museaum only

Address: Duomo di Salerno - Cattedrale di Santa Maria degli Angeli, San Matteo e San Gregorio VII, Piazza Alfano I, Salerno, SA, Italy
Duration: 20 minutes

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