Santa Maria del Casale

Church in Brindisi

Santa Maria Del Casale
Public Domain / Roberto sernicola

St. Maria del Casale in Brindisi is one of the city’s most illustrious churches, marking the transition from Romanesque to Gothic art. Built in 1284 by the Prince of Taranto, Filippo I, and his wife Caterina, it stands on the site of a chapel dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, who stopped there on his return from the Holy Land. The church has been a national monument since 1875.

The church is renowned for its elegant façade, which uniquely combines the white stone of Carovigno with local tuff, creating a striking variation of colors and light effects in zigzag, herringbone, and chessboard patterns. Inside, the church is adorned with a series of magnificent 14th-century paintings, including “Last Judgement,” “Cross Tree,” “Feet Washing,” and “Last Supper,” created by Rinaldo from Taranto and other artists.

Adjacent to the church is a refined cloister with an arcade, built around the late 1500s by the Observant Minor monks, adding to the site’s historical and architectural significance.

The Santa Maria del Casale appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Brindisi!

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