Museum of Gloucester

Museum in Gloucester

Gloucester City Museum & Art Gallery
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Jaggery /Gloucester City Museum & Art Gallery

The Museum of Gloucester tells the story of the city’s origins as a Roman settlement and its subsequent development through the Dark Ages and Medieval period. This fine Victorian building also has a significant collection of art including paintings by Richard Wilson, Thomas Gainsborough, John Atkinson Grimshaw and Thomas Dibdin.

The museum features ground floor exhibitions and exhibits that promise a much more interactive experience. Highlights include a Roman kitchen playhouse and medieval street. Part of the original Roman wall can also be viewed within the museum. The Archaeology collection includes the world-famous Birdlip Mirror, impressive Roman tombstones and the Gloucester Tables Set, the oldest complete backgammon set in the world.

The Museum of Gloucester appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Gloucester!

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Visiting Museum of Gloucester


PEAK SEASON (February half-term to end October half-term)

Tuesday-Saturday | 10am-5pm and Sunday | 11am-4pm

OFF-PEAK SEASON (End October half-term to February half-term)

Tuesday-Saturday | 10am-4pm and Sunday | 11am-3pm

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