Koutoubia Gardens (Lalla Hassna Park)

Gardens in Marrakesh

Koutoubia Mosque In Marrakesch
CC BY-SA 4.0 / Max221B

The Koutoubia Gardens also known as the Lalla Hassna Park, are a public park located in Marrakech, Morocco, near the Koutoubia Mosque at the heart of the Medina. The park itself spreads across two hectares and provides a pleasant green paradise of immaculately trimmed rose bushes, perfectly symmetrical walkways and plenty of shade-covered benches; it is easy to see why it is a favourite resting spot for many local Marrakchi people. At the centre of the park is a Koubba (a white dome) which is the tomb of Lalla Zohra, a daughter of a liberated slave. Legend tells that she was a women during the day, but transformed into a dove at night to escape from the unwanted affections of her old master. From this, she knew all the secrets of Marrakech. Yassine, a local resting in the Koutoubia Gardens, told us that many Moroccan’s still believe this story to be true and some even name their children after her in dedication.

The gardens are named after the Koutoubia Mosque, which is located just a few steps away. The gardens are filled with a variety of plants, trees, and flowers. There are also several fountains and pools throughout the gardens, which add to their beauty and provide a refreshing place to relax on a hot day.

In addition to the gardens themselves, the Koutoubia Gardens also feature a number of other amenities, including playgrounds, cafes, and food stalls. The gardens are a popular spot for picnics, and many people come to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and the beautiful surroundings.

Overall, the Koutoubia Gardens are a beautiful and peaceful place to visit in Marrakech. Whether you are looking for a quiet place to relax or a spot to enjoy a picnic with friends, the gardens are sure to have something for everyone.

The park is free and open to the public at all times, even during the evening and night when the gardens and the mosque are spectacularly transformed using subtle and effective lighting. We suggest you try to visit the Koutoubia Gardens both during the day and after nightfall so that you can truly understand the magic of such a wonderful place.

The Koutoubia Gardens (Lalla Hassna Park) appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Marrakesh!

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Visiting Koutoubia Gardens (Lalla Hassna Park)


Daylight Hours



Address: Parc Lalla Hasna, Marrakesh, Morocco
Duration: 20 minutes

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