Jane Austen's House, Winchester

Historic Building in Winchester

Jane Austen
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Peter Broster

Jane Austen, is widely acclaimed as one of England’s most esteemed novelists. In 1817, during her declining health, Jane Austen moved to Winchester for medical treatment and resided in a house at 8 College Street. It was here that she spent her last few weeks before passing away on July 18, 1817. Burial at Winchester Cathedral: Following her death, Jane Austen was laid to rest in Winchester Cathedral. She was interred in the north aisle of the cathedral, and a memorial plaque was placed on the wall near her grave in her honour.

Jane Austen’s literary works have left an indelible mark on successive generations and have been adapted into numerous films, including notable titles such as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma, among others.

The Jane Austen's House, Winchester appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Winchester!

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Visiting Jane Austen's House, Winchester

Address: 8 College Street, Winchester, UK
Duration: 20 minutes

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