Ciudadela de Pamplona

Castle in Pamplona

The Walls Of Ciudadela De Pamplona
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Michael Newman

Ciudadela de Pamplona is a 16th-century fortress that was built between 1571 and 1645, during the reign of King Felipe II. It is probably one of the best examples of military architecture from the Spanish Renaissance – this is mainly because it never faced a siege and so is in a good state of preservation! It has a flat star-shaped design that took shape after gunpowder was adopted by European armies. In the 18th century, the citadel was converted into a prison that housed illustrious figures, including the Count of Floridablanca and the Marquis of Leganés.

The grounds have been converted into a lovely public park.  Artists to display their works around the moats and bastions, in the evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm Tuesday to Friday, noon to 2pm and 6pm to 8.30pm Saturday, and noon to 2pm Sunday.

The Ciudadela de Pamplona appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Pamplona!

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Visiting Ciudadela de Pamplona


8am-9.30pm Mon-Sat, from 9am Sun

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