Statues of Oscar Wilde and Eduard Vilde

Statue in Galway

Oscar Wilde And Eduard Vilde
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Oliver Dixon

In front of Matt O’Flaherty’s pharmacy and Lazlo’s Jewelry shop on William Street in Galway city, a bronze bench captures an eternal moment between two literary figures: Oscar Wilde, the famously controversial playwright, and Eduard Vilde, a figure revered mostly by aficionados of Estonian literature.

Though the two men never met or corresponded, their bronze likenesses sit opposite each other, seemingly locked in a quiet exchange. Both were revolutionaries in their own right—Wilde championed sexual freedom, while Vilde critiqued Tsarist oppression and the exploitation by German landlords. One can only speculate about the silent dialogue between these two stalwart figures.

Oscar Wilde’s legacy continues to be celebrated with several sculptures, including Danny Osborne’s creation in Dublin’s Merrion Square and Maggi Hambling’s in London. He is also commemorated at his tomb in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris. The statue of Eduard Vilde in Galway is a replica of an original cast in 1999 by Tiiu Kirsipuu in Tartu, Estonia.

The bench invites visitors to sit between Wilde and Vilde, providing a unique opportunity for photos and imaginary conversations with the two icons. It often becomes a gathering spot, where buskers enhance the atmosphere with music, adding to the communal spirit. In this silent meeting of minds, Wilde is depicted with his hat and cane, while Vilde adopts a thoughtful pose.

The Statues of Oscar Wilde and Eduard Vilde appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Galway!

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Visiting Statues of Oscar Wilde and Eduard Vilde

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