Lascaris War Rooms



The Lascaris war rooms are a series of tunnels and chambers located 400 ft beneath the Upper Barracca Gardens.

The rooms housed the British War headquarters, which controlled all the Mediterranean operations during World War 2.

The complex had an operation room for each of the armed services including RAF fighter Control, which controlled and observed all air and sea operations.

July 1943 saw the invasion of Sicily, Code-named Operation Huskey, General Eisenhower and his Supreme commanders used the war rooms as their advance Allied HQ.

They later became the Headquarters of the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet and were used during the Suez Crises of 1956 and were put on alert dusring the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

The Lascaris War Rooms appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting !

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Visiting Lascaris War Rooms


Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 17:00


Adult €12.00, Children € 5.00

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