Casa di Marco Polo, Venice

Historic Building in Venice

Casa Di Marco Polo, Venice

In a quiet corner of Venice ,the Venetian palace (palazzo) believed to be explorer Marco Polo’s former residence is easy to miss. Marco Polo’s house in Venice is not easy to find – you have to follow precise directions or else will miss it. It is not far away from Rialto Bridge and Grand Canal, towards the Malibran Theatre. First head for the Corte Prima del Milion follow through to the Corte Seconda del Milion and finally to the Ponte Marco Polo, from which look towards the Portineria Teatro Malibran and you will see a small wall plaque saying this was Marco Polo house. It is a little disappointing.

In order to understand all these places, one needs to know a bit of Marco Polo personal life, with which wife he lived where, when did he return from his Asian voyages.

The Casa di Marco Polo, Venice appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Venice!

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