San Maurizio

Church in Milan

Milano - Chiesa Di San Maurizio Al Monastero Maggiore
CC BY-SA 4.0 / 01albertop

The church of San Maurizio, for many, boasts the most stunning interior in Milan. Constructed in the early 1500s to serve as the church for a convent of Benedictine nuns, the entire interior is adorned with frescoes depicting biblical scenes.

These frescoes, created by some of the finest Lombard artists of the 16th century, primarily Bernardino Luini and his sons, are renowned not only for their artistic quality but also for the enduring vibrancy of their colours, which appear as vivid as if they were painted just yesterday. The long nave of the church is divided into two sections, with the rear portion reserved as the nuns’ choir.

The San Maurizio appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Milan!

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Visiting San Maurizio


Thursday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.



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