Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s House)

Historic Building in Verona

Casa Di Giulietta VERONA
CC BY-SA 4.0 / DilettaMaria

Juliet’s House (Casa di Giulietta) is a main symbol of Verona. It is a medieval palace in Verona , located in via Cappello , a short distance from the central Piazza delle Erbe .

The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet found confirmation in Verona and fantasy mixed legend and reality, so much so that various places were recognized where the story narrated by Shakespeare would take place .

There actually existed two families named Montecchi and Capuleti (the exact name is however Cappelletti): we know of their presence up to the years of Dante ‘s stay in Verona , in Juliet’s house , located near Piazza Erbe , where their presence is evidenced by the coat of arms of the hat on the keystone of the entrance arch to the courtyard of the house.

The Montecchi, important Veronese Ghibelline merchants , were really involved in bloody struggles for the control of power in Verona , in particular with the Guelph family of Sambonifacio , but there is no news of rivalry with the Cappelletti. The Montecchi and the Cappelletti are also mentioned by Dante in the Divine Comedy ( Purgatorio, VI v. 105-107).

Juliet’s house became a hospitium in Capello in the fourteenth century , and the new Capello family who resided there (and which probably took its name from the place where they lived) appears to have exercised the profession of speciari (i.e. pharmacists) still at the end of the fifteenth century .

From the seventeenth to the nineteenth century it became a stall with a hotel (of poor quality, given the mention that Dickens apparently made of it). Only the entrance tower dates back to the 13th century , although it has undergone countless transformations, including the other buildings facing the courtyard.

The Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s House) appears in our Complete Guide to Visiting Verona!

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Visiting Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s House)


1.30-7.30pm Mon, 8.30am-7.30pm Tue-Sun


adult/reduced €6/4.50, free with VeronaCard

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